Tuesday 27 April 2010

Mrs Mary Livingstone

Mary Livingstone

A Poem written for her husband David, after a long separation :-

Do you think I would reproach you with the sorrows that I bore?
Since the sorrow is all over now, I have you here once more.
And there is nothing but the gladness and the love within my heart,
And a hope so sweet and certain that never again we'll part

A hundred thousand welcomes! How my heart is gushing o'er
With the love and joy and wonder just to see your face once more.
How did I live without you all those long long years of woe?
It seems as if it would kill me to be parted from you now.

You'll never part me darling, there is a promise in your eye;
I may tend you while I am living, you will watch me when I die.
And if death but kindly lead me to the blessed home on high,
What a hundred thousand welcomes will await you in the sky!

Mary Livingstone (1821-1862)

Written for the 11th December 1856 after his return from Africa.

(Source : Good Wives? by Margaret Forster pg 57-58 Vintage 2001)

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